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Setting up Baremetal/VMs

To create either a baremetal deployment or one using VMs, a specific topology file has to be created, steps are described here. If in the remote machines, the network devices have names different than eth0, please change it at the script located inside the baremetal folder. Baremetal Folder.

After creating the topology file which has to be named topology.xml, you must put the baremetal folder (Kollaps/baremetal) in the directories specified in the .xml on the remote machines.

After setting up the remote machines, we must setup the Dashboard container, for the container to have ssh access to the remote machines we must put the ~/.ssh/ folder in the baremetal/ directory.

cp -R ~/.ssh/ baremetal/

Now let’s build the container with

docker build -f dockerfiles/Dashboard -t dashboard:2.0 .

And now you are ready to emulate network states on your machines, to run experiments defer to Baremetal Experiments